
सीएसआईआर – केंद्रीय खाद्य प्रौद्योगिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

वैज्ञानिक और औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद

विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार,
मैसूरु - 570020

Umapati Hirewodeyar

Sr. Technician (3)

Diploma E&C and B E

Email : umapathi[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in

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Service and maintenance of electronics and process controlled instruments,Installation and calibration of instruments, Construction and Development of electronic gadgets for R&D of the Institute.

Area of interest

Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics engineering

Awards and Certificates

Best technical support CFTRI award 2013,